I'm a grade 10 student and I…


I'm a grade 10 student and I am extremely concerned about this proposed legislation. Because I cannot currently drive, I rely heavily on my parents for transportation. Safe bike infrastructure, the kind that the City of Toronto has been so instrumental in building, is vital to my daily life, and its continued development is important in ensuring that I can continue to travel safely. Restricting the expansion of bike infrastructure is resticting my independence. Removing bike lanes, especially in areas with high demand such as Yonge, Bloor, and University Ave., will only make my life less safe.

I do not only speak for myself. I speak for the hundreds of students who walk and bike to school in my neighbourhood every day. I speak for the thousands of innocent lives who are killed on our roads every year due to the lack of safe infrastructure. I speak for the millions of people who do not drive, yet still pay for infrastructure that harms them back.

Not everyone can bike, but EVEN FEWER PEOPLE CAN DRIVE.