Better/safer bike…


Better/safer bike infrastructure = more bikes and less people driving. The only way you are going to combat traffic is by making biking more accessible and promoting transit. Why are we trying to go backwards and look for an easy fix. Especially for where I am Toronto. You can basically bike year round now. Aren't we trying to reduce emissions, not promote people driving and creating more? I honestly do not understand this logic. Please stop your destruction of Toronto. I used to love this city and province. It's truly sad what is happening here. You have not kept up with the infrastructure and now you are punishing the cyclists. I use these bike lanes along with friends to go to parks, to go to local businesses and to commute to work. Many I know who do not bike as much, would do so more if there was a cohesive and safe network. Something this act will make much harder to do. Your logic for proposing this is baseless and flawed. I believe not having a cohesive network of bike lanes that are safe contributes more to traffic. We will take routes without bike lanes because it is easier than the convoluted/ non network we currently have. This creates a headache for all. Drivers are mad at bikes, Bikes are mad at cars. Why not promote biking instead of waging a war on it. And especially stay out of Toronto's business. Too much government over reach. Lastly. I have also sustained a serious injury from biking in Toronto in a park of town that has zero bike lanes. Which contributed to our resources being used to help me when a protected lane could have helped. I have had a friend killed by biking and being hit by a car as well. I don't know why the province is so keen on stopping SAFE infrastructure so some cars can save a few seconds. Do your job and finish transit projects and help encourage bike lanes.