Hi there, my name is EA. I…


Hi there, my name is EA. I bike to work every day, from midtown, where I live, to the theatre district, where I work. I try to stay mostly on roads that offer bike lanes to be protected from traffic.
There is a segment of my commute that doesn't have a bike lane. Queen street!
Queen street west between University and Spadina, is where I fight for my life, sharing the road with cars, buses and streetcars.
Two months ago, someone opened their door from a parked car without first looking if anyone was coming. The door hit me sideways as I was passing with my bike. This has lead me to fall into the streetcar tracks, I rolled with the bike on the ground. If there was a streetcar or a bus coming, I'd be dead at this time.
About 3 months ago, a bus didn't see me as they were approaching the stop. The driver started to box me against the sidewalk. I rang the bike bell, punched the bus with my hands, he didn't listen! I jumped for my life falling in the sidewalk. My bike?! Well that was destroyed by the bus!
It could have been me, it could have been my life!

You are prioritizing time instead of prioritizing lives! Bike lanes save lives!!