This is a terrible plan that…


This is a terrible plan that will further contribute to our growing traffic, health care, and environmental problems. Please stop wasting taxpayer money on this nonsense and focus on the solutions we really need: public healthcare, education, and transit.

The only real long-term solution to the traffic problem (in Toronto, Ottawa, and beyond) is effective transit and improved infrastructure for active transportation.

Review active transportation plans in the Netherlands and make note of the low prevalence of lifestyle related illnesses (e.g., heart disease, type 2 diabetes) and mental illness (e.g., depression) in their population as compared to Canada and the United States. As our population continues age, we need long term solutions to reduce the burden on our health care system.

The best bang for our buck is active transportation.

The following excerpts are taken from Fishman et al., 2015 (see attached):

“The Netherlands is widely regarded as a world leader in active transport, particularly cycling with 16% of the total road network dedicated to cycle paths. A third of all trips under 7.5 km are cycled.”

“Physical activity is increasingly regarded as the ‘best buy’ in preventative health measures and walking and cycling represent one of most effective methods of building physical activity into daily life, whilst at the same time reducing CO2 emissions, air pollution and congestion caused by motorised forms of transport.”

Do better.