I believe this is one of the…


I believe this is one of the most backward, short sighted proposals to come out of the ford government. With the democratization of the e-bike and more efficient nature of riding to work more people are taking to riding to work.

This has multiple benefits for the people of Ontario. Able folks get out of cars, and travel in a much smaller footprint on the road, they are healthier for riding, better mental state when at work. It also dramatically reduces wear and tear on the roadway, as bikes weigh 25-50 lbs while a car weighs approx 4500lbs. Less traffic with people on bikes. I ride almost year round, taking Dec to Feb off. If I now have to drive, this will increase my cost of living and I will be yet another vehicle taking up space on the road.

Let cities decide what they do for cycling infrastructure. The province should not be meddling in municipal affairs. This seems like a Doug Ford vs Toronto vendetta. and I believe he will eventually regret this if it passes. Once folks that choose to ride get hit and die because he decided to remove existing cycling infrastructure. Its shortsighted and foolish to remove existing cycling infrastructure and institute measures to control it at a provincial level. Talk about a micromanager!