Bill 212 is a direct attack…


Bill 212 is a direct attack on the personal safety of cyclists, since our safety will clearly count for less than the convenience of drivers who consider it their right to move swiftly through busy places. At a time when pedestrian and cyclist deaths are going up rapidly, this is unconscionable.

But since streets with bike lanes have also proven safer for ALL users – pedestrians, car drivers, and cyclists – this legislation would also reduce public safety in general.

As has been clear from countless studies of urban mobility, the legislation will NOT reduce congestion. In order to reduce congestion, our urban areas need to incentivize more people to get out of cars so that roads are not so crowded. Any moves to curtail safe bike lanes, on streets where close-to-the-ground local officials have deemed such lanes appropriate, will simply force people to stay in their cars in spite of the congestion.

This proposed legislation is misguided on every level and should be withdrawn in its entirety.