Save lives, not time…


Save lives, not time. Removing bike lanes will just add to traffic, not remove. As a cyclist and driver, I bike so that I take up one less space on the road, reduce CO2 emissions, and easily purchase a pastry from a local store as I bike. Bike lanes provide safety to pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. Instead of being annoyed with a cyclist, we should all learn to slow down as this would prevent fatal accidents. There have been 6 cyclist deaths in Toronto since January. Bike lanes also give children who are not old enough to drive the freedom to explore their individuality, travel to an after school job, and meet their friends. We must have various methods of transit in this Provence because we are and will continue to grow in population and our infrastructure simply cannot provide car travel for everyone, and nor should it. We must give people the option, safely.

- Architectural Designer and Urbanist living in Toronto