It is worrying that the…


It is worrying that the province is seeking to put in place measures that would delay progress in improving transit in the city of Toronto.
Bike lanes provide a vital and safe alternative means of travel that helps benefit all residents of the city, across various age groups and economic brackets.
Any reduction of bike lanes undoes years of work, advocacy and progress in improving the ability to traverse Toronto.
With more high density high rise buildings being built, Toronto needs an expanded bike lanes system to help new residents move around the city.
Having one more road for a car is not going to make a significant difference to traffic levels in the city. The city is inherently a dense network of streets where cars will get gridlocked. Even more importantly, there's only so many roads cars can have in the city unless buildings/homes/business were demolished to make way for new roads - which would destroy the city.
Bike lanes are vital to providing an alternative method of travel that helps people complete short-medium distance trips (the most people in the city do frequently) without the need of a car, which then aids traffic congestion.