We dont need more highways,…


We dont need more highways, we need more infrastructure that dont rely on cars. We need more rapid transit, subways, and trains especially. Why does it take over an hour to take a train into toronto from less that 100km out? Why is ontario so far behind the rest of the world. You are limiting everyone from living outside of toronto because we have to drive instead of take a train in.

Bike lanes are important and are a huge way for people to get to work without the added expense of having to have a car, or even pay for a parking spot. We need more bike lanes that are positioned properly. Look around the world, New York City even has more bike lanes then downtown Toronto. Its a joke. You should stop trying to stop things and start actually adding to infrastructure.

It feels like we haven't updated our train lines since 1800s, build more trains and better ways for people to travel then you would have less people on the road. Its simple.

Stop highways and build railways. And keep the bike lanes, they are important to the cities infrastructure. Too many people have died on the roads without proper bike lanes. And you want to remove them? Just stop it.