I do not support this bill…


I do not support this bill.
I do not like how it attempts to take away municipalities' ability to decide their own traffic needs, especially with bike lanes that, despite Doug Ford's ignorance, reduce gridlock rather than increase it. There's some 40 years of data on this and at this point Ford is either being intentionally ignorant or deliberately malicious.
I also do not support how this bill will bypass regulations and force provincial engineers to take a deal that would pay them significantly less than what they're worth and likely result in the privatization of the engineers, which was a bad idea when Mike Harris did it, and is still a bad idea now.
But most of all, I do not support this giving highway 413 an exemption from environmental assessments. That has to the most malicious thing Ford has proposed, especially when it's public knowledge that his planned route for 413 goes through some very environmentally sensitive areas, let alone the pollution created by making and running the highway. This makes it abundantly clear Ford does not care about the people of Ontario and their long term health, and that he should leave politics immediately