One more ludicrous idea from…


One more ludicrous idea from Doug Ford. How backwards can he get. Getting rid of bike lanes will not relieve car congestion.GETTING CARS OFF THE STREET WILL HAVE MULTIPLE POSITIVE EFFECTS FOR FORD’S “my friends”.
1. Health and safety — fresher air and exercise for all ages. Ontarians are already too sedentary. Getting in a car to go 5 minutes to pick up Fast Food instead of walking to the local market sold at resonable prices and supporting the community instead of big International companies like McDonald’s.
2. Even a small decrease in polluted air caused by exhaust emissions reduces both acute and chronic respiratory illnesses BIKES DO NOT POLLUTE

None of this health information is NEW. Multiple studies/sources in health, urban planning and safety have shown the benefits of dedicated BIKE LANES.

Many advanced countries around the world have shown these benefits for decades. You do not see obese people in Japan, the Netherlands or any of the Scandinvavian countries. Does FORD want Ontario to seen as a progressive place OR A PLACE NOT CARING ABOUT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ONTARIANS???