Hello, Safety is paramount…



Safety is paramount. Streets must be safe. For all.

All residents pay for the building and maintenance of streets in return for benefitting from its use. Roads are not reserved just for cars. Residents choose the best mode of travel - using their car, a bike, transit or walking.

I pay taxes to my government to keep people safe on the road - whether they are in cars, on bikes or on foot.

Messaging about and prioritizing cars, including this new bill, is contributing to a culture that allows drivers to be irresponsible on the roads. There are too many deaths of pedestrians and cyclists by cars. Be better.

Congestion on the roads is not caused by cyclists. Studies have confirmed it. You know it. Give people better alternatives to relieve congestion. That includes safer bike paths on the main roads.

I don't ride a bike, but I really appreciate the people who do! Give them better infrastructure. Don't treat them like second hand citizens. Their lives depend on it. Be better.

Thank you.