This proposal is provincial…


This proposal is provincial over-reach to municipalities who know far better whether or not a bike lane is needed in a particular municipal road. What input could the province possibly have that the municipality does not have in deciding where to build a bike lane?
It is blatant pandering to non-urban voters who may not understand the opportunity to transport people around the city safely on bikes with no pollution and relieving congestion by getting them out of cars. Bikes are becoming more prevalent and are an important part of commuting and delivery.
Why not make a bill that requires drivers to re-take their driver's license test every two years to improve driving skills and therefore traffic flow? Perhaps enforce distracted driving laws so that car drivers are paying attention to the traffic and driving instead of checking their phones at a green light?
Why is the car assumed to be superior in the bill? It appears that getting cars moving is the only metric that the bill is trying to solve for. What about safety? Person kilometers per tonne of carbon? Why not flip it and make the bill require municipalities to seek provincial approval for building new lanes for cars where removing a bike lane is required?