Bike lanes do not create…


Bike lanes do not create gridlock or slow traffic down, it's a false belief. Too many vehicles and obstacles (please read traffic studies) are what slow traffic down. A cyclist is one less car. Walking and cycling are rights, driving is only a privilege. I bicycle daily all year, and the $1,000 a month I would have spent on a car is spent in the local economy instead (proven data that bicycling is great for local shopping). I am not anti-car, I am just pro-saving money and getting in shape.

How will poor people get to work if not by bicycle? That costs our economy tons of money. Who is going to pick up my car-less brother from Grimsby to work in Hamilton? So then he goes on social assistance because he can't afford a car or even public transit. It's a war on the poor.

Bicycle lanes actually increase flow of car traffic...otherwise bicycles are left fighting for space on the road and that slows traffic down. We must get out of cars, not only for the environment, but for the economy, our health (Canadians are getting very very fat and out of shape), fighting loneliness (a massive social issue, and when you bicycle, you end up making small talk with crossing guards, other cyclists).

Don't forget that part of the reason traffic is bad in Toronto is because Rob and Doug Ford cancelled the amazing public transit plan that was created and ready to go by former mayor David Miller. This traffic issue is Doug Ford's own making. He did that. Bicyclists aren't going away, and we have the right to ride safely. Taking away the hard-fought lanes will take away that right.