Fully support this…


Fully support this legislation, and rolling-back some of the bike lanes that are causing immense traffic chaos (while being grossly underused at the same time!). Please, please, consider removing two dedicated lanes that are in DIRECT line with expressway egress, these are:

1. Dundas Street East - the bridge over the Don Valley has dedicated bike lanes that have reduced traffic to a single lane each direction - yet meanwhile the streetcar is also using that traffic lane AND that lane provides access to the ramp to the DVP - needless to say, one left turner on to the DVP at rush hour (and there are thousands) hold up traffic and streetcars FOR MILES! All this for the odd bicycle that uses the dedicated lane.

2. River Street - similarly this is also basically a ramp to the DVP located a bit further north, and also which used to be two lanes each direction (as was Bayview). It too has now a dedicated bicycle lane installed each direction leaving traffic to and from Bayview and DVP with a single lane that is backed up FOR MILES ALSO! All this again for the odd bicycle that uses these dedicated lanes.

Both of these bike lanes should be on the top of the list for removal as a traffic analysis will definitely confirm.
Thank you.