This entire bill is…


This entire bill is ludicrous. The province should absolutely not be involved in where bike lanes go in municipalities. Let the municipalities do the due diligence and planning work and stay out of their way. The Province should also NOT be tearing out bike lanes in Toronto that keep people safe! As a driver, I am safer with the bike lanes there to protect people so I don't hit them, and they help to move me more quickly because the cyclists are not in my lane. I do not cycle in Toronto because I don't live near bike lanes and am too scared to bike in traffic. The Annex BIA has said that the bike lanes on Bloor St. have brought MORE business to their shops and restaurants, not less. And as someone who drives that strip, I can tell you that it moves just fine - I have not experience congestion as a driver on Bloor St in the Annex or in Bloor West. On University, the hospital CEOs actually ASKED for the bike lanes so their staff could get to work safely, and you want to rip them out? Stay out of the business of the cities and take care of the provincial matters: healthcare, education, etc.

We also don't need to build the 413 highway faster because we shouldn't be building it at all. We don't need another highway that just parallels the existing ones. It's a huge waste of resources and the environmental distruction and impact is enormous. Stop the 413 - get people out of their cars by building more and better transit, and get trucks off the 401 by making arrangements for them to take the 407.

Just stop all of it: do not move forward with this bill.