I am a driver, pedestrian,…


I am a driver, pedestrian, ttc rider and cyclist, whatever gets me from point A to point B quickest (and depending how much I need to move beside my body).

Ripping up bike lines in Toronto makes no logical sense. The focus should be on fixing driving infrastructure like highways, improving public transit to move all these Torontonians and people from surrounding area, opposing Trudeau's mass immigration policy and staying in your lane. If I have a job in downtown Toronto: I check how long it'll take me by TTC, Driving, Walking or Biking - more often than not it is still quicker in off-peak/non-rush hour times to drive. The TTC SHOULD be the choice most convenient, but it is not.

Get your hands off MY city Doug Ford - why have a municipality at all if you can veto it's powers at any given moment? Govern the province, not the city.