I don’t need to repeat the…


I don’t need to repeat the facts that you are undoubtedly aware of. In every case, bike lanes have resulted in minimal impact on automobile traffic, increased use of environmentally beneficial forms of transport, economic benefits for local businesses, and better safety for all road users (not just people on bikes). Of the six people on bikes killed so far this year, none were killed where a bike lane was available.

Instead, here are some questions for you to think about:
1) when (not if) automobile congestion continues to worsen and travel times increase, will you admit your mistake and re-install the bike lanes you removed?
2) when (not if) businesses along bike lanes that have been removed see an economic downturn, will you offer financial supports to offset this loss?
3) when (not if) people are killed where you prevented bike lanes from being installed or you had them removed, will you sit with their families in their grief? Will you join the inevitable memorial rides?