I am dismayed at this…


I am dismayed at this proposed bill and firmly oppose it, for the following reasons:

First, it will have no positive impact on gridlock. Ample data from Toronto and other cities around the world make clear that bicycle lanes reduce gridlock. This effect is tangible and intuitive -- for example, my girlfriend bikes to her job at the hospital using the very bike lanes that the bill proposes to reverse. If the lanes are removed, she will feel less safe cycling to work and will rely more on ridesharing. This means additional Ubers and Lyfts clogging up Toronto streets (to and from each trip) for what could have been a simple bike ride. It is utter lunacy that the basic science of this issue is being ignored.

Second, it will reduce safety in the city, DIRECTLY contributing to additional deaths of cyclists. This can be measured.

Third, it is an overreach of provincial government into what is clearly a municipal issue.

Fourth, given that it will actually make gridlock worse, it is purely a waste of taxpayer money.

I urge the government to consider the clear and overwhelming evidence that investing more into highways at the expense of public transit and bicycle lanes is precisely what has gotten us into this mess. Continuing this disastrous approach will only secure a future of gridlock, economic loss, and cyclist deaths for years to come.