Removing bike lanes is…


Removing bike lanes is completely insane. It will lead to more deaths & Doug Ford will have blood on his hands.

He needs to stop interfering with the City of Toronto. This is a vindictive move that is 100% based on culture war stupidity & grievance culture. Meanwhile, the housing crisis continues, and our medica system is in shambles. We need a Premier who can rise above this nonsense (it’s absolutely not “common sense” at all) but Doug is clearly nor up to the task.

He needs to Google “induced demand”. Unfortunately he doesn’t know how to use a computer so I’ll spell it out for him: increasing road capacity will simply increase traffic, and congestion will continue. Who will he blame when he doesn’t have bike lanes to kick around? How about Doug gets to work on actually finishing the Eglinton Crosstown instead?

This government is a disgrace & Doug Ford should go back to tanking his family business in the sticker industry.