Do not remove the bike lines…


Do not remove the bike lines - I was a driver in Toronto & regionally from 1999-2024 and a life long cyclist before that up to when I had my 2nd child in 1999, when I got my driver's license and started driving.

My car died in June and I got a bike instead to commute to St. George & Bloor, Danforth & Bloor bike lanes. My bike transit takes 22 minutes everyday. That's it. No delays, max 25 minutes if I go slower.

Subway along this route MIGHT take 30 minutes in off hours and in peak time it can take longer, easily 45-55 with minor delays and intermittent shut down of subways.

Typical scenario. Holiday Monday I took TTC to get to St. George and Bloor, subway shut down one stop after I got on. The 30 minute trip took 70 minutes with alternative bus & streetcars as Line 2 was down between Chester to Ossington.

I am not alone in this. I LOVE driving. I'm not going to buy a new car, much as I would LOVE to. I LOVE driving. I pay taxes. I support development. I also want equitable access to a transportation network that supports folks who can't or don't want to own a car.