Premier Doug Ford doesn't…


Premier Doug Ford doesn't understand that Toronto is now a global city and not the regional city he grew up in. Streets like Bloor can't be widened, and the population will continue to grow. Both Ford and Toronto residents must "grow up" and realize that only a maniac drives their car in Manhattan during the working day. Same must apply to Toronto as we continue to grow --- the vast majority must get out of their cars to get around or as the city continues to grow it will grind to a halt. City residents must be encouraged to find another way of getting around. So building bikes lanes and then encouraging everyone to give them a try is an excellent approach to getting ready for the future.
I am an example of this. Since I moved to Toronto from the suburbs and I have been overjoyed to discover safe, protected bike lanes here. I never road my bike in the suburbs because it was too dangerous. I have started riding my bike here and found some bike lanes are great (Bloor) and some are not so great (Royal York) based on safety.
Since I started riding my bike I have lost weight and have more stamina. I won't be the burden on the health system I would have been if I had stayed in the car-dependent suburbs. Doug Ford, the health budget is the biggest part of your budget. You are late in your tenure as Premier and it's time to think about decisions that will determine your legacy. Stay in your lane, focus on the budget you are supposed to control which is health. Get on your bike, ride the Bloor bike lane and set an example for people who don't use bike lanes and don't live a healthy lifestyle.