This is a terrible,…


This is a terrible, dangerous idea, along with being ridiculous--cars are what cause congestion. This CBC article from this year goes into all the benefits of bike lanes, including easing, not increasing, congestion plus benefits to do with emissions and climate change.

But also, whether they *sometimes* “slightly” (from the city's own research; and this is comparing to traffic data during the pandemic, when people were out less) increase wait times isn't even the right question.

The bike lanes are there to make cycling safer, period.
We should want fewer people to die, period.

And, the world can't support this many people driving. It's utter madness, to constantly see one single person in a 4000 lb vehicle, taking up that much space. To reduce traffic, for congestion and environmental reasons, you need to give people other options.

Let's be clear--this will mean more people die. And traffic in Toronto will remain terrible.
Doug Ford doesn't care about that, though, and he certainly doesn't care about people or the environment--he just hates Toronto and won't support the public transport or any other means that would actually help ease congestion.