I DO NOT SUPPORT removing…


I DO NOT SUPPORT removing existing bike lanes in Toronto or any other municipality. Further, I do not support the Government of Ontario overseeing future bike lane construction in Toronto.
1. Removing existing infrastructure will create new construction headaches.
2. Removing existing infrastructure will release carbon to the atmosphere.
3. Removing existing infrastructure costs money.
4. Toronto vetted its bike lanes. They work. Ridership is up from 665 000 riders in 2017 to 5.7 million in 2023.
5. Remove STREET PARKING on major arterial roads which are meant to MOVE PEOPLE. Bike lanes are travel lanes that move people.
6. I support CONGESTION PRICING like seen in London and New York City. We need this sort of pricing especially now with the planned development at Ontario Place - it has always been a traffic nightmare to drive there and I would point out, there are no bike lanes impacting that congestion.
7. Bike lanes provide the MISSING LINK between transit and final destinations - this is key to the success of public transit.