Removing bike lanes does not…


Removing bike lanes does not improve traffic, it worsens it. Pilots in other Canadian cities, such as Montreal, show that bike lanes remove cars from roads, thus easing congestion, to say nothing of the improved health and environmental benefits of active transportation. In a basic sense, bikes take much less space than cars, and most cars have a single occupant, so swapping cars for bikes alleviates traffic.

Second, Toronto is a city full of cyclists, and removing dedicated bike lanes will simply make things more dangerous - and there are already too many injuries and deaths for cyclists. Also, downtown Toronto, including Bloor, just got extensive additional dedicated bike lanes - why throw away money by removing them?

Third, Bill 212 adds an addendum exempting Highway 413 from needing to follow the Environmental Assessment Act - why is this included? Find it here:…
This is dishonest and dangerous - massive infrastructure projects should need to ensure that future Ontarians have a health natural environment.