Bill 212 seems to be…


Bill 212 seems to be incredibly under thought and one sided. I am curious what types of studies and research were done when developing this bill. I have been biking in the city for almost 20 years and am finally feeling relatively safe on the roads because of the bike lanes that are available. Previously there were ad-hoc and non connected bike lanes which meant I spend much of my time biking on roads without bike lanes beside cars. Introducing more bike lanes have created a far safer environment for myself and other bikers. This bill sounds like reverting back disconnected and disjointed bike lanes. This not only is a safety risk for bikers but is not intuitive or safe for drivers.

I strongly urge the government to do real studies, connect with people who actually use the roads by bike and by car on a daily basis and understand what other solutions may be available.

I am disheartened that my government has so little regard for my safety and the safety of our communities.