I am against act. I am a 37…


I am against act. I am a 37 year old woman who grew up rurally, and now lives downtown. I am a car wonder and driver, as well as a cyclists, and this act won’t help drivers or cyclists.

It is archaic and short sighted, not to mention it goes against what data says. Studies show that bike lanes and encouraging cyclists decreases traffic. We need fewer cars on the road, not more car lanes. Not to mention the climate crisis we are facing, we should be increasing investment on green infrastructure. And finally, the province needs to stay out of municipal affairs and let cities plan what’s best for them, in consultation with their citizens. You’re disrupting democracy for this idiotic move that will increase congestion, increase the risk to cyclists and increase cyclist injuries and fatalities, hurt the environment and make streets less pleasant and less safe for pedestrians and people who live and work along these roads.

Stop this nonsense and do not pass this act.