This is a terrible idea for…


This is a terrible idea for many reasons! The business association in the areas being considered don't want to loose the bike lanes, the city the lanes are in doesn't want to loose the lanes, the lanes help prevent congestion by giving all those cyclists an OPTION to motorized transportation - something this government seems to not care about. All of it's energies have been to INCREASE capacity for motorized transportation instead of providing options to avoid it.

The province has no place dictating to municipalities and cities what they do with their roads. Even trying to force this legislation is just asking for a court challenge.

This government has had to flip flop on SO MANY issues because it runs off without data to support it's position and then has to reluctantly do a 180 in the face of reality. When will you learn? Get the data to back up the idea, then move forward.

"We hear complaints every day" is not the data that supports this legislation.