This bill is a waste of time…


This bill is a waste of time and tax-payer money. I thought the premier was all about stopping the gravy train. More importantly this bill will put people's safety at risk - including my safety as a cyclist. I already encounter dangerously aggressive drivers whenever I'm on my bike. Not only will I now have to cycle in mixed traffic but the signal you are sending drivers is that I don't belong there at all. This will only embolden already aggressive drivers. Someone will be killed as a result of this bill and it will be their blood on your hands.

Stats already show that bike lanes do not contribute to congestion. After all there are no bike lanes on the Gardner, DVP, 401 and QEW yet they are congested all day long.

Please reconsider implementing this bill and instead focus on real solutions to tackling congestion in the region. The experts are out there is you truly want to hear from them.