There’s only one way forward…


There’s only one way forward for Toronto, and that’s with bike lanes. Full stop. Those who oppose them? They’re holding us back, clinging to an outdated vision of our city that has no place in the 21st century. Bike lanes are not just lines on the road; they are a commitment to safety, health, and the future of Toronto as a vibrant, modern city. If we rip them out now, we’re choosing congestion, pollution, and an endless cycle of car-dominated streets that don’t serve the people. Is that the Toronto we want? Absolutely not.

Supporting bike lanes is supporting progress. It’s supporting families who deserve safe streets, young people who see a greener future, and every single Torontonian who wants a better way to get around. Removing them sends a message: that we’re okay with putting lives at risk, with prioritizing outdated commuting habits over sustainable solutions, and with keeping our city stuck in the past.

There’s no “other side” to this. Those who think otherwise aren’t just against bike lanes; they’re against Toronto’s future. They’re saying no to safer streets, to cleaner air, to a city that’s for the people. And if they succeed, it won’t just be a loss for cyclists; it’ll be a loss for every Torontonian who believes our city should lead the way, not lag behind.

It’s time to stand up and say: Enough. We want a city that values people over traffic, progress over regression, and a vibrant future over the smog-filled streets of yesterday. If you’re with us, you’re with the future of Toronto. If you’re not, then you’re standing in the way of everything this city could be. Support bike lanes. Support progress. Anything less is a step backward.