I am totally against the…


I am totally against the arbitrary removal of bike lanes from Toronto's streets. If there are issues on Bloor Street, let's look at the data and talk with the community to find compromises, as Olivia Chow has already done. But to arbitrarily remove bike lanes on Bloor, Yonge and University, ignoring the municipality's jurisdiction, the long consultative process that was implemented and the data regarding usage is irresponsible.

I understand studies have shown that creating more road capacity simply encourages more people to drive increasing congestion again. That was certainly my experience when I lived in Ajax and the number of 401 lanes was expanded.

Climate change is already here. We need to continue to invest in alternative forms of transportation. This government has rightly invested heavily in mass transportation in Toronto. Let's refocus the rest of our transportation spend on getting Canadians out of cars.