This is such a move backward…


This is such a move backward for Ontario. As someone who’s been hit by a car cycling, the proper infrastructure on main roads is so important on saving lives. The data shows now that these bike lanes have made it safer for cyclists, and increased business for those on Bloor and Yonge. Additionally to this, if we actually want to reduce congestion, we have to follow the fact that induce demand is a proven phenomenon and that more lanes for cars does not help traffic get better, it does the opposite. We need to invest in these alternative modes of transit, not just bike infrastructure but also better buses, streetcars and subways as well. This is more cost effective, efficient and the only way we are going to move toward a zero carbon future. In addition to all of this, I find it ridiculous that a conservative government which is supposed to be for small government interference, and less spending, is interfering with municipalities and wasting money undoing an investment that was already made. We’re going to spend millions of dollars undoing an investment into cycling that already cost millions of dollars and then we’re going to have to re do that investment again years in the future. We need to let communities govern themselves and the province needs to be more focused on serving the individual needs of her communities. This is a horrible bill, not only because it endangers people’s lives, is bad for the environment and won’t solve the problem, but because it’s a further waste of the tax payers time and money.