As a motorist and Toronto…


As a motorist and Toronto resident who drives downtown to access services/cultural events, I support and want bike lanes on major roads. It is more efficient to have bike lanes and I submit that it actually speeds up traffic by reducing the chaos of bikes in the roadway where there are cars. I specifically choose the 3 major roads that Ford has identified because of the bike lanes, feeling more secure in driving my car, not having to watch for bikes darting in and out of traffic.

If you take out the bike lanes of these major roads, the bikers will still use the roads. There will be more congestion and more traffic accidents and fatalities. It's foolish and lacking evidence to take out these bike lanes.

I propose that instead, you create more bike lanes to keep motorists and bikers apart, and safe.

The issue of congestion is due to construction and yes, too many cars. The issue is the 401/DVP congestion, not the city streets. And if out of city boundary drivers paid an entry tax on the DVP, perhaps we'd have more money to work on the TTC/and street improvements.

Further, if the TTC felt safer, with attendants on every train, walking the length of the train, and on platforms, I would feel safer and would use it more.

Also if AQI was posted on the platforms, in the cars and buses, like in France and other jurisdictions, along with windows on buses were cracked open, I would feel safer using the TTC and use it. Also signs recommending masking for patrons and employees would help. Right now, the anti vax and anti mask crowd, encouraged by Doug Ford's lack of action, and silence on COVID in this continuing pandemic, has resulted in me feeling too vulnerable wearing a mask on public transit. What a shame that those who are taking precautions and protecting others are being treated this way.