I live in North York, I…


I live in North York, I drive to work every day. I am dependent on car infrastructure for my everyday life. The section of Yonge street I live on is approved to have 1 lane of traffic in each direction removed to be replaced with bike lanes some time in 2029. Removing existing, or preventing future bike lanes anywhere, under the guise of improving congestion is completely disconnected from any relevant data from the past ~30 years. Municipalities worldwide have seen the traffic improving capability of bike lanes; the only viable way to reduce car traffic is to build viable alternatives to driving. I eagerly await the construction of bike lanes along north Yonge street, despite driving to work every day.

Passing this legislation is a massive overstep of the provincial government, and a complete waste of tax payer dollars. There are much more pressing issues that impact our province that need to be addressed, instead of wasting time on pathetic efforts such as this. I would be embarrassed to have proposed or to support this legislation.