I would like to know why the…


I would like to know why the premier considers my safety, and the safety of other cyclists, to be unimportant. Does the health and safety of Ontarians only count if they live in swing ridings?

I’d like to know why this conservative government is so keen to add red tape. I’d like to know why it is so eager to micromanage, to make decisions for cities which should belong to those cities alone.

I’d like to know why, while no one questions the dogma that cars should be allowed on every road, the premier feels that having safe cycling infrastructure on even a few streets is a threat.

I’d like to know why this government wants to take away people’s transportation choices and force us all into cars.

I’d like to know why the province is focusing its energy on bike lanes instead of helping cities provide excellent public transit - the ONLY thing that will actually fix gridlock. Give the money that would be spent ripping out infrastructure to cities for better bus service. And maybe see to it that the Eglinton LRT finally gets finished?

People will get hurt and die. People will have fewer transportation options. Cities will have less power to make decisions and face more red tape. It will be a waste of resources that does not fix the problem (and may make it much worse).

Please, please, please, do not pass this bill.