I have several comments to…


I have several comments to this:
1) As a tax payer: How much will it cost me to remove the newly built bike lanes? This bill spends public money just to massage Ford's ego.
2) As a driver: Toronto is congested as it is, even in places where there are no bike lanes. On two lane roads, the 2nd lane is mostly used as parking anyway.
3) As Toronto resident and tax payer: Any money that would be spent on destruction of existing infrastructure should go to finishing line 5. To make less people drive.
4) As a pedestrian: Every bike on a street is one less car trying to kill me, we need less cars downtown not more.
5) As an economist: Have you ever heard of induced demand? If you add lanes, you will make traffic (and parking) downtown even worse.
6) As a cyclist: there is a record number of cyclists killed by cars this year, as people cycle more.. (It is way faster to get through downtown on bike than on car or on TTC) You removing protected bike lanes will mean you will be to blame next time someone gets killed by a car in the area.