1. This proposal represents…


1. This proposal represents wasteful duplication of government and unnecessary incursion into municipal jurisdiction. The City of Toronto has a duly elected government that is perfectly capable of making decisions about its own roads. Its decisions are taken carefully and only after extensive consultation with residents, and with full democratic accountability afterwards. Time spent by Government of Ontario employees second guessing those decisions is the worst kind of waste. Respect the taxpayer!

2. Toronto's population is growing quickly. If we keep adding cars, we are guaranteed to clog the available road space. This is simple geometry. The only solution is more efficient alternatives. The province should build and fund public transit and support cycling infrastructure.

3. Cycling rates are increasing every year. We need more cycling infrastructure, not less, to keep up.

4. For the bike lanes that are proposed to be removed, there are no nearby alternate routes on side streets without interruption and/or major diversions. The proposal ignores the physical realities of the road network in the city.

5. Six cyclists have already been killed on Toronto's streets this year. The proposed changes will end more lives and destroy more families. That is unconscionable. There will be blood on the hands of the Premier, the Minister, and every employee of the Government of Ontario who helps execute these shameful plans.