Good day, Removing bike…


Good day,

Removing bike lanes, will result in higher traffic on the same roads, it completely against basic logic.
For example 40 people are biking to work, using a bike lane, now lets switch to 40 more cars?

Where is the extra parking space for those cars is going to appear from?

In downtown its inconvenient to drive 500m to 1k to get groceries, shopping, or a coffee, lunch, dinner, etc. As there is no convenient parking, parking is expensive to add. Walking is more dangerous then biking in curtain parts of downtown. Tourists use bikes, we need to be a tourist friendly city!
Bikes do not pollute, no parking issues, do not destroy roads like heavy cars and trucks do. They do not speed and pose less danger then cars do. Police officers use bikes and bike lanes too. Youth bike to schools, Universities, Colleges.

What about all those food delivery people on bikes? Switch to cars too? A thousand more cars?

The people in charge are clearly narcist and don't think or care about communities they don't live in.

If Ford used a bike, maybe he would be in a heathier shape physically and mentally! We should take example from Europe where Government officials bike and use public transit.
Ford to switch from driving! How about that?

Thanks for reading!
I'm a middle aged person living and working down town, 90% of my commute is by e-bike. Bike lanes are a need for safe commuting. Lets make Toronto a safe, clean, healthy and a friendly place, with great bike infrastructure. Work with your communities not against them, why destroy what is already there and works? Too much money in the budget to burn?