I support the protection of…


I support the protection of bike lanes in the province of Ontario, even at the cost of extra car lanes. I used to commute to work via bicycle years ago just outside of Toronto, but a big reason I stopped included a lack of protected bike lanes in my area leading to dangerous close calls with drivers (even in side streets). They did not respect my space or even understood what bike signals meant (most just thought I was waving to someone). I moved to sidewalks for safety, but had confrontations with pedestrians demanding I go back to the roads despite always dismounting when I saw people or crossed the street. There was literally nowhere to go un-threatened, and I had to rely on public transportation (several dollars per day, both ways, for 5-6 days per week, unreliably) in fair weather for a trip of only a few kilometers. If cyclists are not able to use the road safely, and it is technically illegal to use sidewalks, where should cyclists go? Freedom of transportation is important for those that need options, and it is short sighted to think everyone should drive and contribute to an already absurd amount of traffic when investment can make other ways attractive. More people will bike if the network allowed for it through proper/safe infrastructure that is interconnected. As is, side streets are often unable to accommodate trips practically, so there will be less adoption of cycling overall if their trip will be made several times longer than if going straight on a main route. Cars are necessary, but drivers are not the only people that exist in this province, and having too many of them is the reason why traffic exists. Eventually there will be no space in Toronto to put "just one more lane" unless you destroy homes, businesses, and parks.