To whom it may concern, I am…


To whom it may concern,

I am dismayed by the this proposal and the ongoing rhetoric regarding bicycle transport that Mr. Ford has parroted in recent weeks. The totality of evidence in this realm supports that increasing and improving the construction of bicycle infrastructure in the urban environment not only increases ridership but also improves cycling safety and reduces traffic congestion. This evidence is widely available, consistent in effect, and stems from a variety of urban settings across the world including North America. Many experts in fact have relayed summaries of such studies in major media sources in recent weeks in response to this proposal and its associated propaganda. It is clear that Mr. Ford has either chosen to ignore this evidence and expertise in his pursuit or more likely, his goal is not to reap any substantive public service improvement but rather to politicize an issue which he recognizes plays well with a political base sharing a philosophically anti-cycling perspective.

If enacted, this proposal would reduce safe cycling options in Ontario cities. This would be a significant step backwards for several reasons. Of foremost interest to Mr. Ford, it would not reduce traffic congestion. In fact, based on experiences in other cities it would likely worsen congestion, particularly in highly populated areas like the GTA and Ottawa by increasing vehicular demand. Secondly, those who continue to cycle (and walk for that matter) will be at higher risk of serious and fatal road-side injury caused by cars and drivers. Thirdly, evidence shows that the downtown small businesses that Mr. Ford claims to support will be financially hurt by the loss of pedestrian and cyclist traffic.

I will add that as a family physician in Ontario I am increasingly concerned by the effect car-reliance has on the physical well-being of my patients. It is clear that the population rates of physical activity are far too low and this contributes to the development of many chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and liver disease among others. By reducing their options to commute in healthier manners, I do feel that Mr. Ford is actively pushing for policies that jeopardize the health of Ontarians.

In summary, I argue that Bill 212 should be refuted due to its likelihood to be ineffective in serving its stated purpose to reduce traffic congestion and given the detrimental secondary consequences its policies portend. Our cities can be less congested, safer, healthier, and more liveable via strategic urban planning and targeted investment in public transit and active transport. Mr. Ford would be wise to consider his actions in terms of their policy outcomes and leave behind these divisive political games.

Thank you.