Hello ERO, I try to bike as…


Hello ERO,

I try to bike as much as I can so I don't get stuck in traffic either when driving or on the bus. I can tell you that biking is significantly faster than driving. I go past so many cars that are in queue at the red light or waiting for a car in front trying to make a left turn. When I order delivery, the delivery person that are on bicycles are significantly faster than those in cars as well.

I would like to bike more, and get around faster. But the lack of bike infrastructure prevents me from doing so - I don't feel safe without safe biking infrastructure. The name of this bill is completely misleading and false - if bike lanes are removed, I am forced to be in a car or in the bus, which will be stuck in gridlock. And as I said, is going to be much slower. I am deeply disappointed that this bill was introduced in the first place and request that it be rescinded.