This is an extremely wrong…


This is an extremely wrong headed decision, from perspectives of environmental policy, urban design, and constitutional order. The province should not be dictating cycling infrastructure at city level. Those are local decisions. It also is, from an Outcomes perspective, the wrong decision. These partial bikelanes save lives, and make commuting easier by bike. Justifying this decision with several year old census data is not grounded in good policy making. Congestion will never be fixed by building one more lane. That is the fact of induced demand - but it works both ways. You can induce cycling demand and reduce congestion by pulling people into bike commuting from their cars.

I will never support a government that removes critical infrastructure to make the Premier's personal commute easier. I moved here from BC two years ago, and miss the sensible environmental stewardship of the now defunct BC Liberals. This is not conservatism. This is nonsense.