I do not believe that the…


I do not believe that the existing bike lanes along Bloor St., Yonge St., and University Ave. should be removed. They provide vital infrastructure for bikers in downtown Toronto. Removal of bike lanes would result in greater accidents for those who continue to bike. Many bikers would also be forced to stopped biking if the infrastructure is removed. This would result in greater use of the already limited transit system, and greater congestion on roads. Bike lanes are much more efficient at moving people than cars on roads. Bikes take up much less space than cars, and most cars only hold 1 or 2 people in them anyways. Most people in downtown Toronto do not even own a car, but they have easy access to biking through the Toronto Bike Share program. Countless studies have shown that adding lanes to roads does not reduce congestion; it would not save commuters any time. We need more efficient modes of transportation. Biking is one of them. We need more biking infrastructure in downtown Toronto, not less. The bike lanes on Bloor St., Yonge St., and University Ave. are especially important as these roads connect many different parts of downtown Toronto.