I am opposed to Bill 212. It…


I am opposed to Bill 212. It's incredibly disheartening to see the Provincial Government try to move Toronto backwards in regards to bike infrastructure. I remember biking everywhere as a child when there was less traffic and now seeing the city so unsafe that families can't comfortably allow their kids to bike to school or their friends houses is sad. Why do people who commute by car get so much priority over everyone else? Many people, myself included, cannot drive for medical reasons, or simply have no desire to drive. Why should we all be forced to take other less convenient and more expensive means to get to school or work or stores just to give cars one more lane, which has been proven over and over to not actually fix traffic congestion longterm? The bike lanes not only must stay, they must be improved and expanded to create a cohesive network across Toronto like many other cities around the world are doing. There are no side streets that would effectively replace all current and planned bike lanes, and there is a growing demand for safe, protected bike lanes. The more bike lanes there are, and the longer they are, the more people will bike--as seen in other cities. Bill 212 is Provincial overreach into a municipal topic that would drag Toronto even further away from modernity. The Provincial Government should focus on creating more affordable housing rather than overstepping into removing bike lane infrastructure that is fundamentally designed to keep Toronto residents safe.