Bike lanes in Toronto and…


Bike lanes in Toronto and every city in our beautiful Province of Ontario are an important part of transportation and recreation. They should be encouraged to be built, not ripped out causing a waste of taxpayer dollars.

This government claims to be against unnecessary bureaucracy but will now create significantly more for municipalities across the province who have adopted active transportation plans and want to expand their biking and walking networks.

I use bike lanes in multiple cities across southern Ontario for work every week. They are the only safe way to bike to and from transit and to work.

For the safety of Ontarians, bike lanes are just as important as sidewalks.

If you ever wonder why fewer people bike in this province, look at the attached map of the only safe cycling paths in Toronto. Imagine those are the only safe roads to drive on for cars, all other roads have massive potholes and are consistently full of semi trucks. Would 50-60% of people still drive if that were the case? Of course not.

We're finally improving public transit in this province. Cycling supports public transit. Why reduce cycling access?

We already don't have enough building space and parking downtown in many of our cities. Why encourage more cars, when we could encourage public transit and biking instead?

This government should go back to consulting with experts as they did during the early pandemic instead of falling prey to US style culture wars. If you implement voter supported policies by taking real polls, you wouldn't need to worry about getting reelected so badly.

Good luck, I really hope you can learn.
Thank you for your time, to anyone reading this.