Really unsure why we have…


Really unsure why we have identified 3 lanes to remove without any research on analysis done to explain why those 3. The fact we have a premier who is being petty and picking random spots of Toronto to change shows how ridiculous this all is. Time and effort spent on both the delayed LRTs (no dates can be given for the opening) or the endless roadworks would be better spent.

By removing bike lanes we push people back into the roads alongside drivers who have shown a poor history of sharing the road equally. It's shocking that me, someone with literally no background in urban planning, seems to know more about traffic calming than our transportation minister.

The stats thrown around usage of the bike plans really avoids the obvious... Eglington bike lanes are not complete, the usage of bike lanes with no infrastructure around them are poorer than those with support... it's obviously a tactic to be untruthful.

Can we stop playing politics with peoples lives and covering up avoiding environmental surveys. I'm sad any of you have to work for this ridiculous government