Removing bike lanes to widen…


Removing bike lanes to widen roads is a terrible idea. There is NO research to show that this act improves traffic flow, in fact all the research shows that the wider the road, the more traffic builds. This has been demonstrated over and over again in many cities and countries.

Encouraging active transportation removes congestion from cars and speeds transit times for vehicles.

The province does not and can not understand the road complexities in every city and town in Ontario. This is municipal territory and should be left that way.

Even business groups support improved and extended bike lanes as they experience improved business when this is the case.

As a cyclist, it's already so dangerous to ride around the city. Many cyclists die every year. This is unacceptable. Bike lanes should be made safer, not removed.

The safer and more numerous the bike lanes, the more people will use them, and the traffic flow for cars will improve.

Removing bike lanes is a waste of taxpayers money, and businesses will also suffer from reduced traffic