I'm against the plan to…


I'm against the plan to eliminate bike lanes because I live in Scarborough and my dream is for me, my children and then my grandchildren to live in a healthy city where we can safely ride our bikes all the way downtown. This bill is dangerous because:
Air quality: Reducing bicycle use increases air pollution, which worsens respiratory and cardiovascular disease.
Health and physical activity: Reducing bicycle use reduces the physical activity of bicyclists, which will negatively affect their cardiovascular and respiratory health.
Accidents: Statistics show that in the absence of bike lanes, accidents are more likely to occur, resulting in serious injuries and high medical costs.
Traffic congestion: Cyclists will use sidewalks or main roads, creating conflicts with pedestrians and cars.
Congestion: A bicycle takes up 6 times less surface area than a car, so it takes up less space in traffic lanes. Amsterdam and Copenhagen, which have invested heavily in bike lanes, have seen significant reductions in congestion.

Removing bike lanes threatens cyclist safety, air quality, traffic flow and public health. It is crucial to maintain and improve this infrastructure to ensure benefits for all. We must be able to choose to cycle and live in good health: that's our freedom.