I do not agree with proposed…


I do not agree with proposed Bill 212 - and am in firm opposition to the use of public funds to undo the recent construction of existing bike lanes.

As a renter and hybrid worker in the city of Toronto, and a permanent resident of Prince Edward County region I question why my Hastings/Prince Edward taxes would be used on the municipal affairs of another city, why the provincial government would blindly take backwards steps regarding clean transportation and reduction of air pollution, and believe that cities should make the decisions that work for them, not have to deal with the imposed partisan actions of the Premier.

Surely, if the provincial government was hoping to improve traffic they would look at better funded public transportation and looking at having DEVELOPERS who disrupt so much of the traffic in the downtown core offset their effects with required funding for public transportation expansion.

I’m happy that the government chose to consult in this decision - as Ontario Place actions struck a severe tone of corruption and disregard for ecology, community and equity - but I fear this is all just for show and that somehow the govt will find a way to move this forward anyhow, regardless of these results. Takes quite a bit to get someone from the family of a lifelong progressive conservative and advocate for fair government to start losing faith completely. If I actually do have a say, as a voting member of the electorate, I say no to this proposal.