I fully support bike lanes…


I fully support bike lanes in the city of Toronto and am very upset at the prospect of losing them.

I live in Davenport and am both a driver and a cyclist. My family walk, cycle, and travel by car on Bloor Street. The Bloor Street bike lane has had an incredibly positive impact on my neighbourhood. My children can get to school more safely - whether cycling to school or crossing the road as a pedestrian. Bloor is more vibrant and businesses are thriving.

Having lived in the neighbourhood for 18 years, I am fully aware that when Bloor Street devoted 4 lanes to cars, traffic was equally congested. However, the speed of traffic is not a measure of the success of a street or neighbourhood.

Commuters who travel by car aren't the only ones with a stake in this decision and I feel it necessary to point out that seniors, families, children, pedestrians, those with disabilities - really everyone - will be affected.

Thank you for your consideration.